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Stefano Cavalleri is a licensed lawyer who has extensive business experience in a wide variety of industries. He has worked on various Grand Avenue Capital projects in the PRC involving US companies.  An example was a  US producer of powertrains for electric vehicles which built a new manufacturing facility in Beijing. Stefano initiated dialogs with European automotive investors for this project. He also worked on a US start-up that manufactured clean tech buses, assisting in setting up a JV agreement with a major Chinese producer. Stefano has also counseled Italian companies doing business in China.


His law firm in Milan has dealt with bankruptcy and environmental infringement issues in Italy, cross-border joint ventures and trademark issues. 


Stefano holds a BA in Political Science and a JD  from the Universita Degli Studi, Milan, and an MS in Corporate Finance from Universita Bocconi. He has current residences in Milan and Vancouver.


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